What Is Dental Scaling And Why Is It So Important?

If you have gum gum disease or an excessive amount of plaque build up, your dentist may recommend a dental scaling procedure to prevent it from worsening. Dental scaling is a cleaning procedure that goes much deeper than a standard cleaning. Dental handsstrong.com scaling goes hand-in-hand with another deep cleaning technique known as root planing. Both procedures involve going below the gum line to remove plaque build up.

Here at Advanced Periodontics & Implant Dentistry, we offer several treatment options to ensure your gums stay healthy and clean. Our range of gum disease treatments improve the overall oral health of patients and dental scaling is an effective technique to do so. Here is everything you need to know about dental scaling:

Why Do I Need Dental Scaling?

It is kind of impossible to prevent any plaque build up from occurring. Plaque is constantly forming on our teeth from the foods and beverages we consume. The saliva and bacteria that is in our mouths form a thin layer over the tooth enamel and the acids and sugars from the foods and beverages stick to that layer. The bacteria that lives in the plaque build up is what causes gum disease and tooth decay.

If you have gum recession, you may also be at risk for gum disease. If you have healthy gums, the gum tissue attaches to the tooth 1 to 3 millimeters below the tooth. If this is the case, a standard cleaning will be sufficient for removing plaque build up. With gum disease, the gum sockets deepen and can reach up to 4 millimeters or more below the tooth. These deep pockets can fill up with plaque and cause greater complications, such as bad breath.

With pockets of 4 millimeters or more, a scaling procedure is recommended to remove the plaque trapped below the gum line before complications arise.

Dental Scaling And Root Planing

The deep cleaning procedure has two main parts: dental scaling and root planing. Dental scaling is the first step which involves carefully removing the plaque from the tooth’s surface and gum line. There are two types of scaling instruments:

  • Handheld instruments. A dental scaler is a handheld tool used to manually remove, or scale, the plaque from the tooth’s surface. The thin tool is inserted below the gum line to reach the plaque your toothbrush cannot reach.
  • Ultrasonic instruments.  The ultrasonic scaling tool involves a vibrating tip and a water spray. The vibrating tip removes the plaque while the water spray washes away the debris and cleans out the pockets.

Following the scaling procedure, root planing is then performed. Root planing goes much deeper than scaling and involves precise scaling of the tooth root to decrease any inflammation and to smooth out the tooth’s surface in order for the gums to reattach properly.

What To Expect After The Dental Scaling Procedure

Following the scaling and root planing procedures, your mouth may feel sensitive or sore. At times, patients may experience swollen gums or slight bleeding for a few days prior to the procedure. Using a desensitized toothpaste may be recommended to ease the pain or discomfort. After the scaling and root planing procedures, it is important to follow the proper brushing and flossing techniques to prevent any plaque from forming in the same spots.

Dental scaling plays a crucial role in oral health and treating gum disease. If you notice your gums are sensitive, swollen, or bleed while brushing, contact (877) 440-8001 to schedule your complimentary consultation. Our specialists here at Advanced Periodontics & Implant Dentistry will ensure an effective and comfortable treatment.

How Black Mold Can Cause Tooth Decay

Mold exposure in homes can be a costly and dangerous situation, particularly when toxic black mold appears. The symptoms and health effects of black mold exposure and black mold poisoning are endless, covering a wide range of health issues. Identifying the indications of black mold can keep you and your home safe.

Many people are aware of the effects black mold can have on our upper respiratory system, such as coughing or sneezing; however, many people do not know that black mold can also affect our oral health. Here at Advanced Periodontics & Implant Dentistry, our first priority is the comfort and overall health of every individual patient. That is why we would would like to help educate you on black mold in homes and the effects it has on health.

Black Mold – Is Your Home At Risk?

Growths of mold can be very difficult to detect in your home because they manifest in humid and dark areas. Toxic black mold releases spores, called mycotoxins, when feeding off of organic materials found in common household items, such as carpet, drywall, or insulation that are exposed to moisture. Inhaling these spores are very dangerous and can cause serious health issues to the human body.

Mold in your home can cause unpleasant scents, that is why odor may be the first sign of identifying mold in your home. If you notice a “mildew-like” scent in your home, it may actually be mold. The most efficient way to prevent mold from growing is to ensure there are no active leaks or areas that regularly collect moisture. It is important to regularly check for any leaks or areas that contribute to mold growth to ensure your home and yourself is in the best health.

Symptoms Of Black Mold Exposure

Exposure to black mold causes health issues that, if not treated in its early stages, can progress into more severe health issues. Common mold-related symptoms include:

  • Coughing
  • Sneezing
  • Skin irritation
  • Watery, irritated eyes

More severe symptoms of mold poisoning include difficulty breathing, fever, a compromised immune system, and recurrent lung infections.

Black Mold And Tooth Decay

Now, how does black mold cause tooth decay? Exposure to toxic black mold causes severe upper respiratory issues such as sneezing, coughing, and wheezing. The mycotoxins, or spores, attack the mucus that lines the nasal cavity, sinus cavity, and throat. The overproduction of mucus causes congestion which makes it difficult to breath out of your nose and results in mainly breathing out of your mouth.

Constantly breathing out of your mouth is not healthy for your oral health and can be damaging to your teeth. Breathing out of your mouth dries it out and decreases the production of saliva. Saliva is essential for the health of your teeth. It contains proteins and minerals that protect the tooth enamel and prevents tooth decay and gum disease. Without sufficient saliva present in the mouth, your teeth are at risk to decay and cavities.

With severe tooth decay, an extraction might be your best option. If that may be the case, there are several treatment options to replace missing teeth. Our specialists here at Advanced Periodontics & Implant Dentistry are experienced in several dental implant options. Dental implants provide patients with a durable, natural-looking tooth replacement. There is no need to fear about having an unpleasant smile, our specialists can assure efficient and amazing results.

If you are in need of replacing missing teeth, schedule a complimentary consultation by calling (877) 440-8001.