Facial Pain Due to Previous Extracteion Healed with Implant

The patient presented is a 41 year old caucasian female that has been experiencing myofascial pain and has been dealing with an extracted tooth at site #10, as well as a missing tooth at site #20 for the past year and a half. Patient was referred to Dr. Richard Nejat for a holistic dental implant approach for tooth #10.

During the initial consultation, a general medical evaluation was performed by Dr. Richard Nejat to assess the patient’s medical history, teeth, gum, as well as jaw bone density and structure.

The consultation concluded that the patient appears to be in good health and it was decided that a Zirconia implant was to be inserted in order to replace tooth #10.

Clinical view of missing tooth #10
Clinical view of final Zirconia crown.
Radiographic view of missing tooth #10.
Screw retained Zirconia crown.
Zirconia implant inserted into the jaw bone.
Screw retained crown.
Clinical view of final completed Zirconia crown restoration.
Radiographic view of final complete Zirconia crown restoration.