
Options For When Saving Your Tooth Is Hopeless

Once your adult teeth are fully grown, they are supposed to last a lifetime, right? If you have a decayed, injured, or loose tooth, that may not be the case. Although smoothing out the tooth or a filling may be a restorative option, it may not be the most beneficial depending on the circumstances of

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Are Mini Dental Implants the Best Tooth Replacement Option?

While dental implants are one of the best ways to replace missing teeth, not everyone is a candidate. One prime example is when there’s not adequate bone depth to place the implant into the mouth. This condition might be caused by tooth loss, changes in the bite, gum disease, or natural anatomy. Fortunately, there are traditional dental

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Why Do I Still Have Baby Teeth?

Have you ever heard of an adult with baby teeth? You may be wondering, “how is this possible?” It is actually more common than you think. Everyone has two sets of teeth: the first set being our primary teeth, or commonly known as baby teeth, and the second set are our permanent adult teeth. Our

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Teeth In An Hour™ Explained

Do you need a smile makeover, but don’t want to spend months getting it? Then you need Teeth in an Hour™! Teeth in an Hour™ is a painless procedure that gives you brand new teeth in just one hour. This is the perfect solution for people who need their natural teeth extracted or those who are missing

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Dental Implants are Safer Than Dentures

For those people who have had dental problems, obtaining dentures may have seemed like a good answer to their dental issues. However, one of the drawbacks of dentures has been the need for denture adhesive to keep the dentures in place. Products like Poligrip and Fixodent have become widely used to help denture wearers with

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